Thursday, February 7, 2013

It's Only the Beginning

Wow.  The title of my blog makes us sound much cooler than we really are.  We're definitely not "stereotypical" homeschoolers.  I'm sure you all know the stereotypes I'm talking about.  I can assure you my children are well socialized (whatever that means) and I have the public school system to thank for that.  Or so I've been told.  After all, this is our first year at home. 

Oh please, they're cool because they have such cool parents.  I guess it's genetic.

We're over halfway into our first year, and not one ounce of me regrets this decision.  At all.  We've fallen into a pretty great rhythm with one another and the kids have even admitted they've already learned way more this year than at school.  Their words, not mine.  But, I was feeling pretty pleased with myself after hearing that.  Not a "prideful pleased", but more of a "thank you God for this oppotunity pleased".

This has become our new normal.  And if that means going to the library and then to eat frozen yogurt at one o'clock in the afternoon, then we're really on board for the long haul.  We don't do that everyday (although we'd like to), but it's so fun to be able to when the craving hits.

My vision of what homeschooling would look like for us has changed over the last few months, in a good way.  We've made it our own.  Done what works for us.  And that's all I really ever wanted anyway. 


  1. This is great, Sal! Keep it up...both the homeschooling AND the blogging about it!

  2. Yay, you're blogging again! Looking forward to more.
